The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

The seventh decalogue states: “Thou shalt not steal”; yet I, Juan Mirieth Auriel, verily say: let no man steal property or anything from a man; as we are all sinners and imperfect before our Innermost, we too are thieves whether we realize it or not;

A positive verb times a positive object equals a positive morality, a positive verb times a negative object equals a negative morality, a negative verb times a positive object equals a negative morality, and a negative verb times a negative object equals a positive morality; these are all four mathematical formulae used for the morality of cause and effect;

A thief is a man who steals; whenever a thief enters and breaks into a house without permission, he is a burglar; because we are all thieves, there are three types of thieves: the good thief, the bad thief, and the ugly thief; so too there are three types of burglars: the good burglar, the bad burglar, and the ugly burglar; it would no doubt remind us of J.R.R. Tolkien's “The Hobbit”;

Let us, ladies and gentlemen, investigate the ugly thief by looking closely at the word: ugly; ugly is defined in the dictionary as “very unattractive or displeasing in appearance; disagreeable; morally revolting; threatening trouble or danger; or hostile, quarrelsome”; to the ugly, he is a dim-wit; the root cause of all ugliness, or unattractiveness, is the original sin: the forbidden fruit; he who eats the forbidden fruit is a fornicator; out of fornication gives birth to the sinning “I”, or Satan; it is the ugly thief who steals property from others; he is also an ugly burglar who breaks into a house with the intent to steal; the ugly thief never knows how to charmingly steal or burglarize; the ugly thief is lost in the woods, for he never comprehends the two paths of sexuality; the path to redemption and salvation lies within the proper use of sexuality; the path to the Abyss and the Second death lies within the improper use of sexuality;

Beware of a bad thief; the bad thief is the one who steals fire from others; the bad thief is the one who steals creative energy for evil and only for evil; the bad thief is a sly intellect; the bad thief awakens evil for evil; the bad thief is a sorcerer; the fire itself is the semen; a prostitute herself is a bad thief; the bad thief itself is the devil or Satan, that we must comprehend and reduce to cosmic dust; the bad thief is the one who recommends fornication; beware of a bad burglar; this bad burglar intends to break into a house to steal fire from others; it reminds us of one of the thieves crucified on the left side of the Lord Jesus Christ: Caco or Cacus the bad thief;

It is the good thief that steals fire from the devil; the good thief is the alchemist; an alchemist must steal fire from the devil; to steal fire from the devil is inwards and upwards transmutation of sexual energy; the good thief is the one who utilizes his sexual energy for creative use; the good thief can also steal a girl from the devil to elevate her into a virgin, or a priestess-spouse; the good thief is also the one who does the coitus reservatus, or the Arcanum with his priestess-spouse; whenever a good thief burglarizes, he is only burglarizing the house (or the domain) of the devil to steal fire from it; he is a good burglar; burglarizing the devil's domain is equivalent to descending into the Ninth Sphere to build the soul; it reminds us of the good thief, Agatho or Dismas, who was crucified on the right side of the Lord Jesus Christ;

So it is virtually impossible to kill the thief within ourselves; however, the thief within ourselves must be whitewashed; in alchemy, one must whiten his brasses and burn his books; the ugly thief must be transmuted into the good thief through sexual transmutation; we must comprehend the ugly thief within ourselves to whitewash it; both the bad thief and the ugly thief must be inevitably reduced to cosmic dust.