Juan Mirieth Auriel

Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

A reading from 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 King James Bible:

14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said:

“‘I will live with them     and walk among them, and I will be their God,     and they will be my people.’

“17 Therefore,

‘Come out from them     and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing,     and I will receive you.’

“18 And,

‘I will be a Father to you,     and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’”

Interpretation by Juan Mirieth Auriel:

The believers are the religious people; religion has nothing to do with beliefs; it is experience that is better than beliefs; all religious people have Christianity, Judaism, Islamic, Hinduistic, Buddhistic, or any religious background; as Samael Aun Weor once said: “All religions are precious jewels on the golden string of divinity”;

The nonbelievers are nonreligious people, those who worship Satan, and the Ego; nonreligious people are also those who follow Yahweh; nonreligious people are also those who are atheists;

Therefore peace between religious people and nonreligious people never exists; heaven and hell can never mix; holy and profane can never mix; it is akin to mixing oil and water, which it never does;

Likewise, justice and iniquity never mix, and goodness and impurity also never mix; magic and sorcery also never mix; faith and doubt never mix;

Belial, in the scripture, is Yahweh, Jahve, or Iove; Yahweh is the antithesis of Jesus Christ; it is Yahweh who is the secret perpetrator behind the crucifixion of Jesus Christ through the three traitors; he is also responsible for the failure of the evolution of mankind;

The idols that i speak of are the Ego, Satanism, and Atheism; the temple of the Elohim are us;

To be received by the heavens, we must repent from all forms of impurity; we must reject and separate ourselves from impurity; we must never touch anything unclean;

Anything unclean relates to fornication and the Ego; it is fornication that is responsible for all the damage and pain upon the earth; only the coitus reservatus is clean unto the heaven;

We must eliminate the Ego to be received by the heavens; through the elimination of the Ego, carrier of the Cross, and the sacrifice unto others, our Elohim will be our father and mother.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

To Blame Or Not To Blame The Government

Look around you, my friend; you may meet across a few intellectual animals in your path, and the animals speak the only political opinion out of reaction: “The government is to be blamed”, “It is the government at fault; They degenerated us”, or the like; let us look at the word: government;

Government originated from the Latin and Greek roots: gubernare (to steer, control, govern, direct) and mentos (the mind); Government is to steer or direct the mind;

The word government is a noun; however, it is not a person; in the name of true, the government is a thing; a thing that never speaks, acts, or hears as one would do; the government is a puppet; the ones pulling the strings are governmental officials;

There are politicians in the government; there are good politicians as well as impure politicians; the government itself is indecisive on sides; the government is neither an ally nor an enemy; in the name of true, the government is a neutral word; it depends on how one uses the government; it relates to behavior or the fruits of the politicians; a politician is either a magician or a sorcerer; you will know them by their fruits;

So, ladies and gentlemen, there is no reason to blame the government for the atrocities against humanity; there is no such thing as a government problem; there can also be politicians who are CEOs, or chief executive officers, of corporations; a CEO of a particular corporation is a merchant;

A merchant is an employee who engages in a “business of buying commodities and selling them again for a profit”; a merchant is a representative or an agent on behalf of the corporation;

Behold, it is the merchants that are the driving force of the government; unless the heavens grant authority, neither the government, the state, nor the city has authority;

There are two types of authority: self-cognizant and subconscious authority; unconscious authority is too useless and too worthless to a humane society; it is unconscious authority that destroys creativity and intelligence; self-cognizant authority retains creativity and intelligence; self-cognizant authority is resourceful and useful to a humane society;

If the government truly wants to save society, then they must expel the merchants of impurity from the temple with the whip of willpower; this is called Cleansing of the Temple from John 2:13-16;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, am never against government and authority; the only type of authority I am against is unconscious authority; any political corruption must be expelled from the government and replaced with politicians that have self-cognizant authority; a governmental hierarchy is recommended, for its leaders must be ecclesiastical and subservient unto the innermost; the same is said for a king; If we were to keep the monarchy, we must have a king, chosen by the will of the innermost; yet, a king must be humble and subservient unto the innermost; if the humbleness of the king is left unchecked and suffered to corruption, the king is officially a tyrant; a tyrannical king must be abdicated or removed from the throne for the sake of humanity; Look no closely at the story of King Saul (1 Samuel 15:1-35); be warned:

Order without freedom is tyranny; freedom without order is anarchy; anarchy and tyranny are two poles that we must avoid; we must sit in the middle of order and freedom; this is how we create democracy; to destroy the government with violence is never the way to create a peaceful society; here is what Albert Einstein said about authority: “A foolish faith in authority is the greatest enemy of truth”;

A foolish faith in unconscious authority is the greatest enemy of true; a wise faith in self-cognizant authority is the greatest ally of true; wisely submitting oneself to the divine authority of the innermost is the powerful ally of truth; those who exert unconscious authority on others will precipitate themselves to the Abyss;

The government is never our enemy or an ally; the government is neutral, which is why we must never blame the government for the atrocities against humanity; it is the merchants of impurity that we must blame for the atrocities against humanity; it is by the fruits of the politicians that they determine themselves how they exert their power over the people;

We will have order and freedom.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

Child Predator

Among the worst sexual predators are child predators; these are among your perverts;

These woeful perverts desire your children for sex, offline or online; they lurk in the shadows to find the perfect, weak link by you to steal your child;

Instead of seeking their spouse over the appropriate age for the coitus, they seek your child under the age of 21 as the selection of their respective spouse; it is abundantly clear that those who are under the age of 21 have not yet completed their sexual development;

Child predators have no bearing in a democratic society; they commit violence against nature; they can commit child porn; when they prey on a child under your weak link, they can sexually batter your child; they can have fantasies of their juvenile spouses having children; sexual fantasies are related only to the Ego;

Unfortunately, child predation is blasphemy against the holy spirit by the desire and commitment of adultery and fornication; it is better for the child predator to never breathe the air outside of prison again; the child predator should be sentenced to the seventh circle of hell to die the second death; if released from prison, he is liable to be registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life, a woeful title he deserved to be called;

Parents must monitor their child’s activity, whether online or offline, to avoid falling the weak link; one weak link by the parent will ruin his house; it is also urgent for parents to strictly teach children never to talk to anyone whom they do not know, never accept gifts from someone whom they do not know, and never go anywhere with someone whom they have not met; children would have no idea that strangers can be degenerated seeds;

The featured photo will be the fate of the child predator should he choose to do this woeful vice; child predators are truly deceiving; they can entice a child to meet in a strange place far away from justice; like all sinners, they are prone to deception; law enforcement will deceive the child predators into meeting a peculiar place for the supposed immoral act only for the child predator to be arrested upon the place of meeting; a thankful line of law enforcement will continue to fish these child predators out of society to protect children from sexual immorality.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Joker

The clowns are members of the modern churches who entertain the goats; these clowns never care about mankind; the clowns teach but never experience; they never help mankind achieve salvation; they enslave people with their art of woeful manipulation; it is akin to the Pharisees;

There is a leader among the clowns; its leader is the Antichrist; it is clear that the antichrist truly opposes Christ; the antichrist is the Joker; the Joker is the leader among the clowns;

When one reads the modern tradition of the Apostles Creed, instead of the Holy Gnostic Church, one would find the Holy Catholic Church; the Holy Catholic Church is the Roman Catholic Church; its leader is the Pope; the highest pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church is Yahweh; the Pope is the Antichrist;

In the time of Christ, there was a Joker in the Sanhedrin; this Joker was the high priest of the Sanhedrin and one of the three traitors of Christ; it is Caiaphas;

The three traitors of Christ are Judas Iscariot, the demon of desire (who received payment for 30 pieces of silver); Caiaphas, the demon of ill will; and Pontius Pilate, the demon of justification;

All three traitors handed Christ to be crucified;

The goats follow the Pope; all goats are followers of Yahweh; goats are never sheep, and sheep are never goats; all goats follow their sinning “I”;

The sheep follow Christ, their shepherd of shepherds; one who i would call the king of kings; another word for a shepherd is a pastor which does translate from Spanish; the pastor is the ecclesiastic reverend who devotes himself to religion;

Religion is the reunification with the Elohim; the pastor who helps others achieve salvation with the right tools is worthy to be a reverend; he devotes himself to the sacrifice for others;

If the pastor never helps others achieve salvation but instead chooses to entertain the ignorant masses, he is no pastor but also loses the right to be the reverend, replaced only by the title of a clown;

Yahweh is no longer helping the Roman Catholic Church; he is locked in the bottomless pit as fulfilled in the Book of Revelations but will be released to deceive the earth before the final battle;

The Pope is imperfect like the rest of us; he is the Joker who is unworthy to follow; it is already too dangerous to follow someone simply; he who follows a demon will be a slave; it is better to reject Yahweh to follow your Innermost; renouncing the Roman Catholic membership is revolutionary; this is how the Pope loses power and authority.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/



Religion is for the serious, the loving, and the committing disciples;

Religion is never for the faint of heart, and neither religion is for the passive, blind followers; these people will fail in the Great Work;

There is no comfort in religion; religion is dangerous to the nonreligious;

All cowards go to hell; all fornicators go to hell; religion is never for the cowards; religion is never for the unrepented fornicators; heaven is home only for the brave;

Religion is 100 percent sexual; those who avoid or desire sex are never religious; religion is the Great Work before the Elohim; the infrasexuals will always fail in the Great Work; there are no false doors to religion; there is only one door to religion;

There exists a quote from Charles H Spurgeon: “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats”;

The quote that i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, spoke of has already been fulfilled; the goats are blind and passive followers of ralegion; the clowns are the pastors of modern churches that fail to help mankind, akin to the behavior of the Pharisees; they, the goats, have turned their ears away from what is true and turned to myths (2 Timothy 4:4); such myths are failures; these failures have no foundation to a peaceful society;

The goats believe; beliefs and reality never mix; those who believe are already one step closer to atheism than they realize or not; belief is passive faith, never true faith; faith is the direct awareness of knowledge and wisdom; it is easy to believe, yet it is hard to accept what is true;

Behold, the disciples who are true to their religion are the sheep of the Innermost; the shepherds are real pastors; therefore, Christ is the shepherd of shepherds and king of kings; the sheep know his voice and they follow him;

Therefore, disciples who are true to their religion must renounce, for goodness, all forms of ralegion and every fellowship of impurity; all disciples must never be equally yoked with impurity;

As George Orwell once stated: “In the time of universal lies, telling the truth is revolutionary”;

The renouncement of membership of ralegion to a church that has failed mankind is a must; the revolution from ralegion is no crime; it is a major step to freedom; it is best to never step into the doors of a church that has failed mankind; woe unto the clowns, for they teach but experience nothing;

All disciples must be active in religion; they must be serious; they must be loving; they must also be committing to their religion for the sacrifice for others; they must be faithful unto their religion; their faith will be tested again and again to prove their discipleship.



https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on; it is the thought that equals manifestation; it is the will that manifests our reality; it is the cause that brings forth the effect; As within, so is without; what we cause our thoughts manifests whatever we have concentrated on as the effect; there is a cause and an effect to the Law of Attraction;

The Law of Attraction requires one to have faith and willpower; the Law of Attraction requires awareness and comprehension; to utilize the Law of Attraction, let us look at Matthew 7:7-8:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”

This biblical verse is the appropriate Law of Attraction for the benefit of all of us; it requires us to have upright, sexual behavior for this purpose; one must be chaste, humble, temperant, charitable, kind, diligent, patient, benign, and god-fearing; the forces of Nature will obey those who have all of these fruits of goodness;

Be wary of those who morally fail to take advantage of this biblical verse and are lustful, prideful, gluttonous, greedy, jealous, lazy, angry (wrathful), evil, and slanderous, the forces of Nature will never obey; these are the words of the Elohim; the Elohim (or the forces of Nature) will never obey those who are wicked, even if the Elohim (or the forces of Nature) are threatened to be cast down from their places into the Abyss by these wicked people; these blasphemous people are indeed sorcerers and demons; if this is you, be morally prepared to pay off your debts with true penance and return to your Innermost with repentance before you are rejected and punished beyond measure;

To utilize the biblical verse from above, we will do the following: ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you will find; knock on the door, and the door will be opened;

You can ask anything you want in your life; you can ask for wisdom like King Solomon once did (1 Kings 3:7-9); you can ask, “I would like to have wisdom according to your word and will, (name of Innermost)”, and you can be granted wisdom provided that you have an upright behavior; you can also ask to receive your spouse by the following: “I would like to see (or receive) my (Elohim-given) spouse”; you can utilize a simple dialogue for asking anything in your life by the following: “I would like to (ask anything you want)”; you can seek for anything in your life with faith, and you will find the thing that you are looking for; you can knock any door that you want to enter, and the door will be opened to you;

The sorcerers and demons argue and complain, all of which are demonic and useless; they fail to properly use the biblical verse from above; they utilize their demands with their black arts as a cause to manifest anything they desire as the effect, even it is by force or fits of violence or anger; the one who utilize these forbidden arts only achieve nothing, but also return with disastrous results which accrue more debit instead of credit; for the one who truly wishes to embark on the narrow path, he must never be psychologically identified with these black arts; he who falls for identification of the black arts is under the obsessive influence of the sorcerers; only comprehension and awareness of the biblical verse can break the psychological influence of the black arts;

Never be dismayed nor dejected if the results you wished to have, utilized from the biblical verse, fail to happen imminently; keep asking, and it shall be given to you; keep seeking, and you will find it; keep knocking on the door, and the door will be opened; never give up; have faith; continue until you achieve whatever you want to have as one constantly prays; you will achieve results, utilizing the appropriate use of the Law of Attraction.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

How To Bless The Food

How To Bless The Food

These are the words of the Elohim:

We must bless our food and be thankful for what our Innermost is providing to us;

Your Innermost must be thanked and remembered;

For Gnostic Initiates who are from native Christianity, just as I (Juan Mirieth Auriel) am, we must say Grace;

Grace, in Christianity, is the blessing of the food;

The Elohim has commanded me (for native Christians) to say the following:

“Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your goodness through Christ our Lord; Amen”;

That is all;

For those whose native religion is outside of Christianity, i recommend the Gnostic Book of Prayer by Surekha Minati Keerthana (https://glorian.org/books/a-gnostic-prayer-book); it has all the graces, prayers, mantras, and many spiritual works; you can also ask your Innermost (Yah-Hovah Elohim, Allah, et cetera) about Grace, and the Innermost will tell you which prayer to use;

That is all.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/



Let us comprehend the biblical verse from 1 Corinthians 13:11:

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things”;

There we see the two common words: child and man; whenever i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, say man, i also include woman as well; both man and woman are adults; what is rare is the word: teenager;

Simply put, a teenager is someone who is aged within teen years; a child who is between 10 and 20 years old is already a teenager, yet the word teenager is rare;

It is clear that one begins life as a child in the morning, the child transitions into an adult before the afternoon, and an adult enters decrepitude in the evening (that is before death); it is the very riddle behind Oedipus Rex;

The only thing i mentioned before the afternoon is the child transitions into a man; a teenager is an invented word, placed between child and adult; it is used to prolong the childhood of a newly initiated adult;

It is sex that governs the transition and growth of a child into an adult; it is this initiation that once puberty of a child begins, the child enters into adulthood, never teenage; puberty is the initial development of the sexual organs and the development of sexual organs lasts for seven years; it is advisable to never partake the Arcanum during the development of the sexual organs; it is only advisable to teach the newly initiates to transmute their sexual energy through chastity; after the seven years of complete sexual development can man and woman do the Arcanum, which both must be at least 21 years old;

The period of the seven-year sexual development is the Venusian period; it begins at age 14, the typical age for puberty; newly initiates of the Venusian period can find their love and develop their proper relationship;

It is also clear that puberty is the initiation of a child into an adult; in the Jewish religion, it is common to see bar mitzvah (from a boy to a man) and bat mitzvah (from a girl into a woman), which are symbolic; bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah are the initiation of children into adulthood;

Therefore, the word teenage is rare; a teenager is an invented word; a teenager is simply someone who is between 10 and 20 years old; that is all.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Both prince and princess (or king and queen) live happily ever after; the phrase “Happily ever after” reminds us of princess stories (more referring to Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, et cetera), ladies and gentlemen;

The phrase, or the idiom, “Happily ever after” is borrowed from fairy tale endings to suggest that everything will work out perfectly; it is also a phrase used after a couple has gotten married;

Marriage has nothing to do with the social or religious formulae of this barbaric humanity; remember, marriage is the immaculate sexual connection of man and wife; that is all;

It is indeed that marriage is honored by all; when the marriage is immaculate, the couple will indeed have a honeymoon that will last for a lifetime; even so, after a holy and sacred marriage, they will live happily ever after;

The secret to a “happily ever after” is love, where love reigns over the Gnostic homes; however, the real secret to a “happily ever after” lies within the Sexual Mysteries;

inverted omega

The cup has to be drunk and maintained upwards; this is synonymous with chastity and sexual transmutation; the cup is symbolized by the last letter in the Greek Alphabet: Omega, yet inverted as seen above;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, would like to call this symbol the inverted Omega; the inverted Omega letter symbolizes the transmutation of sexual energy, drunk internally and upwards; it is symbolized as the transmutation of water into a delicious wine from the Wedding of Cana; you can also find the inverted omega with the symbol of the Holy Tetragrammaton;

If the real Omega letter is used, then it would symbolize the waste of sexual energy through orgasm or fornication; it is fornication that ruins our “happily ever after” and brings a great emptiness and spiritual death; the sorcerers, the demons that fornicate and recommend fornication, will never live happily ever after;

True love must endure many battles, killing legions of sinning “I”s; the path to happily ever after is only accomplished by man and wife; from the death of the sinning “I”, a soul is born; the soul is built within a man and woman through the Golden Alchemy and the Magnus Opus (The Great Work);


Through the letters of Alpha et Omega, we see the AU; the AU is a unique element; it reminds us of the 79th chemical in the periodic table, known as gold; it is the will to transmute the impure metal into the perfect metal, that is gold; it is the art of alchemy; alchemy is the fusion of oneself with the Elohim;

The path to “happily ever after” is the foundation of the Perfect Matrimony; both couples are helped by the very actions of their Divine Mother Kundalini; matrimony relates to the sacred actions of the Divine Mother that bring man and wife together; that is all;

He who connects with his wife in the Perfect Matrimony makes the honeymoon last a lifetime.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Now

The Now

We must comprehend and be aware of the Now;

Yesterday is history;

Tomorrow is a mystery;

Today is a gift, which is called the present;

The present is the now...

Even it is history that i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, had typed this post for you, my friend, to see and read;

Even now, you are reading my post; you would then comprehend with awareness of the now;

The Now is the middle path between the past and the future;

The Past itself is history; may one's past be sealed with one's karmic records established by the Lords of Karma; no one can alter their past; history is written and sealed;

The future is always and will always be a mystery; it is written in James 4:13-17:

“Now listen, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money'; why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow; what is your life; you are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes; instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that'; as it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes; all such boasting is impure; if anyone, then, knows the goodness they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them;”

Let us look at another biblical verse in Mark 13:32: “But concerning that day or hour, no one knows, neither the Angels (Malakhim) in heaven, nor the Son (Chokmah/Filius), but only the Father (Kether/Pater)”; only the Heavenly Father knows the future; Father is Pater in Latin; Pater reminds us of the name Peter, or Petros, which also means rock; The rock also reminds of the stone, or the semen of man and woman;

The Ego lingers on either of these two poles: past or future;

The Ego that lives the past is living in a mental drama;

The Ego that lives in the future always worry;

The Ego morally hates the now;

The true awakening begins here in the now;

He who waits to truly awake is already a resident of the Abyss;

There is no putting aside for awakening for the time being; it is lamentably a waste of time;

Stop living in the past with your achievements or your psychological traumas; forget the former things in the past; never dwell in the past (from Isaiah 43:18); the sinning “I” likes to cling to the old, never wanting to die; he who identifies himself with the sinning “I” is a slave to it;

Stop worrying about the future; the sinning “I” always worries about the future and will struggle with its life to survive;

Time is Satanic; time itself is Satan;

This is where we learn to comprehend our past and future;

It is virtually impossible to undo the past, yet our dramas can be comprehended by our mere whip of willpower; that is all;

Our future can also be created and comprehended by our whip of willpower;

Be internally being present;

Live in the moment;

Live in the Now.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

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