

Religion is for the serious, the loving, and the committing disciples;

Religion is never for the faint of heart, and neither religion is for the passive, blind followers; these people will fail in the Great Work;

There is no comfort in religion; religion is dangerous to the nonreligious;

All cowards go to hell; all fornicators go to hell; religion is never for the cowards; religion is never for the unrepented fornicators; heaven is home only for the brave;

Religion is 100 percent sexual; those who avoid or desire sex are never religious; religion is the Great Work before the Elohim; the infrasexuals will always fail in the Great Work; there are no false doors to religion; there is only one door to religion;

There exists a quote from Charles H Spurgeon: “A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats”;

The quote that i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, spoke of has already been fulfilled; the goats are blind and passive followers of ralegion; the clowns are the pastors of modern churches that fail to help mankind, akin to the behavior of the Pharisees; they, the goats, have turned their ears away from what is true and turned to myths (2 Timothy 4:4); such myths are failures; these failures have no foundation to a peaceful society;

The goats believe; beliefs and reality never mix; those who believe are already one step closer to atheism than they realize or not; belief is passive faith, never true faith; faith is the direct awareness of knowledge and wisdom; it is easy to believe, yet it is hard to accept what is true;

Behold, the disciples who are true to their religion are the sheep of the Innermost; the shepherds are real pastors; therefore, Christ is the shepherd of shepherds and king of kings; the sheep know his voice and they follow him;

Therefore, disciples who are true to their religion must renounce, for goodness, all forms of ralegion and every fellowship of impurity; all disciples must never be equally yoked with impurity;

As George Orwell once stated: “In the time of universal lies, telling the truth is revolutionary”;

The renouncement of membership of ralegion to a church that has failed mankind is a must; the revolution from ralegion is no crime; it is a major step to freedom; it is best to never step into the doors of a church that has failed mankind; woe unto the clowns, for they teach but experience nothing;

All disciples must be active in religion; they must be serious; they must be loving; they must also be committing to their religion for the sacrifice for others; they must be faithful unto their religion; their faith will be tested again and again to prove their discipleship.



https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/