Free Love

Free Love

Free love is the movement that accepts all forms of love; the Hippie Movement further advances the free love movement; the goal of the free love movement is to separate sexual and romantic matters from not only the State but also the Church; the argument from the free love movement stems that one can freely enter into sexual relationships and the law should not regulate it; coincidentally, it resonates with the freedom and right to sexuality; the antithesis of free love is marriage;

Marriage is the marriage of modern times; it is the formula of humanity where papers, forms, laws, and others express marriage; marriage is a license to fornicate; marriage can also be a hindrance to cohabitation; there is no requirement for marriage to have sexual relationships or to have a sexual connection between a man and a woman;

All forms of love lead all men and women to the Abyss except one; if the Elohim allows only one form of love, it is not the free love movement;

Free love without the guidance of the Elohim or the law is anarchy; marriage without free love is tyranny; with only one form of love goes by the following:

The form of love is Perfect Matrimony; Perfect Matrimony is neither marriage nor free love but a hybrid and more potent than both; the equilibrium between free love and marriage is the basis of wedlock; from the balance enters the narrow path;

Perfect Matrimony is democracy; wedlock is democracy; both men and women have the right to sexuality under the guidance of the Elohim; in the name of democracy, only man and woman create the holy cross;

The Church only relates to the Roman Catholic Church; the Pope is the Antichrist, as Samael Aun Weor stated; the highest pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church is none other than Yahweh; Yahweh is the Chief of the Black Lodge and Satan that has deceived men and women for ages;

The Gnostic Movement bears no association with the Roman Catholic Church; it associates with only the White Lodge and the Holy Gnostic Church; the Chief of the White Lodge is our Lord Jesus Christ;

The State is a public servant of man and woman; when man and woman suffer the State to control them, the Black Lodge operates the State; the State or Statism is the practice or doctrine of a centralized government over economic planning and policy;

The Hippie Movement is the Dionysian wave that is negative; the Gnostic Movement, however, is the Dionysian wave that is positive; the Dionysian wave resembles that of Dionysus; Dionysus is the god of wine and orgiastic religion that resembles the power and fertility of nature; in Roman, Dionysus is Bacchus;

Wine is either alcohol or grape juice; alcohol derives from the word Algol, which is Arabic for a demon; grape juice is the wine and blood of Jesus Christ through the Eucharist;

There are two types of orgies: one orgy is the secret rite that raises a fiery chariot into heaven, and the other orgy is the secret rite that paves a road to the Abyss; these types of orgies relate to how we use sex; sex can create or destroy; sex can raise the bronze serpent or grow the tail of Satan; sex is either chaste or lustful; sex is either love or lust; sex is either holy or profane; only one absolute exists: everything is born out of sex;

The orgy that creates a fiery chariot into heaven is the white orgy; the white orgy is the Arcanum, or the sexual connection, of a man and woman without the identification of sexual desire; sex is love, yet cognizant; sex is never contrary to religion; love is the highest form of religion;

The orgy that paves a road to Abyss is the black orgy; black orgy is fornication, or the orgasm, of a man and woman; it is the black orgy that turns men and women into intellectual animals; through black orgy creates the tail of Satan or the Abominable Kundabuffer; it only fuels lust instead of love; he who recommends fornication is a demon; another word for a demon is Shed in Hebrew;

We have to establish Perfect Matrimony by the right to express ourselves as a man and woman sexually, yet under the guidance of the Elohim and comprehension of the law;

Therefore, to have a sexual connection does not require marriage; to have a sexual relationship is the basis of wedlock.