How To Bless The Food

How To Bless The Food

These are the words of the Elohim:

We must bless our food and be thankful for what our Innermost is providing to us;

Your Innermost must be thanked and remembered;

For Gnostic Initiates who are from native Christianity, just as I (Juan Mirieth Auriel) am, we must say Grace;

Grace, in Christianity, is the blessing of the food;

The Elohim has commanded me (for native Christians) to say the following:

“Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your goodness through Christ our Lord; Amen”;

That is all;

For those whose native religion is outside of Christianity, i recommend the Gnostic Book of Prayer by Surekha Minati Keerthana (; it has all the graces, prayers, mantras, and many spiritual works; you can also ask your Innermost (Yah-Hovah Elohim, Allah, et cetera) about Grace, and the Innermost will tell you which prayer to use;

That is all.