

How Mary Poppins was chased away by the superior (quintessential) star to the farthest corner of the earth never to return; all above clouds on a starry night; this was my dream; Mary Poppins is a fake;

The etymology behind Poppins is to Pippins; from Pippins goes to Pippin; from Pippin, we enter Piper as in: Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled pepper;

Therefore; a Poppins, a Pippins, a Pippin, or a Piper is a trickster;

Pippin, from Lord of the Rings, is a fool (of a Took);

The superior star is more powerful than Mary Poppins;

The superior star is Christ;

Mary Poppins is an idol, for idol worshippers;

Idols are known to cast shadows or sheds;

A shadow is a façade, the face, the persona; therefore, the shadow must be faced head-on;

The verb, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, has a sinister etymology; supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is atoning for being educable through delicate Cali/Kali, an infernal beauty; it is Cali or Kali to be mindful;

Cali or Kali is the infernal goddess of passion, death, and desire; she is also the very antithesis of the Virgin Mary; Kali is synonymous with Saint Mary, the Queen of Bitches;

Mary Poppins is also Mary the trickster; hence, she is Kali or Saint Mary, never to be confused with the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Christ;

Kali is the matronage of witches or sorceresses; a witch is a female sorcerer; witches never fly on brooms; they travel utilizing hyperspace utilizing their sinister powers related to Kali;

i repeat: Mary Poppins is a fake;

Mary Poppins is an idol, for idol worshippers; this is the discovery of what is true about the idol.