The Abominable Vice of Drugs

The Abominable Vice of Drugs

In the Gnostic Movement, we recommend no use of drugs as tools for the awakening of the consciousness; all drugs are listed by the following examples: heroin, cocaine, alcohol, marijuana, meth, fentanyl, LSDs, psychedelic mushrooms, ayahuasca, DMT, et cetera; these are what the perverse ones call them as low-level, harmless, legal, lawful, nonviolent drugs; he who recommends these drugs are demons; these sorcerers are the most dangerous entities alive;

Daniel 12:2 – “And many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame and everlasting contempt”;

All of these drugs never awaken the consciousness suprajectively; suprajective is the perceptive state of the superior worlds beyond the humanoid senses, which is called clairvoyance; this is how one awakens positively;

If you choose to awaken your consciousness by using drugs, you will only awaken yourself into everlasting contempt; this is how one awakens negatively;

All drugs only awaken the consciousness subjectively; subjective drugs are drugs that alter the perception of consciousness only in the infernal regions; the infernal regions are called the Abyss; he who uses psychedelic drugs perceives only the world of the Abyss, never the heavenly worlds; therefore, these drugs are toxic, dangerous, illegal, unlawful, and violent with the potential to destroy you; it also has the potential to corrupt you into a demon;

Little and behold, there is an antithesis of drugs; it is the ancient art of tapping into deep thought; it is no modern styles and trances found in modern Yoga sessions; it is the creative power of the thought; requiring the proper use of chastity, it is the art of meditation;

Only the proper use of meditation has the potential to awaken the consciousness suprajectively; using meditation properly can develop suprajective, mental powers; using meditation without psychedelic drugs can help develop clairvoyance, yet only possible through chastity and the Arcanum; meditation requires diligence; only the proper use of meditation can awaken the consciousness with everlasting life; it is in diligence which makes the Great Work perfect.