The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on; it is the thought that equals manifestation; it is the will that manifests our reality; it is the cause that brings forth the effect; As within, so is without; what we cause our thoughts manifests whatever we have concentrated on as the effect; there is a cause and an effect to the Law of Attraction;

The Law of Attraction requires one to have faith and willpower; the Law of Attraction requires awareness and comprehension; to utilize the Law of Attraction, let us look at Matthew 7:7-8:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you; for everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”

This biblical verse is the appropriate Law of Attraction for the benefit of all of us; it requires us to have upright, sexual behavior for this purpose; one must be chaste, humble, temperant, charitable, kind, diligent, patient, benign, and god-fearing; the forces of Nature will obey those who have all of these fruits of goodness;

Be wary of those who morally fail to take advantage of this biblical verse and are lustful, prideful, gluttonous, greedy, jealous, lazy, angry (wrathful), evil, and slanderous, the forces of Nature will never obey; these are the words of the Elohim; the Elohim (or the forces of Nature) will never obey those who are wicked, even if the Elohim (or the forces of Nature) are threatened to be cast down from their places into the Abyss by these wicked people; these blasphemous people are indeed sorcerers and demons; if this is you, be morally prepared to pay off your debts with true penance and return to your Innermost with repentance before you are rejected and punished beyond measure;

To utilize the biblical verse from above, we will do the following: ask, and you shall receive; seek, and you will find; knock on the door, and the door will be opened;

You can ask anything you want in your life; you can ask for wisdom like King Solomon once did (1 Kings 3:7-9); you can ask, “I would like to have wisdom according to your word and will, (name of Innermost)”, and you can be granted wisdom provided that you have an upright behavior; you can also ask to receive your spouse by the following: “I would like to see (or receive) my (Elohim-given) spouse”; you can utilize a simple dialogue for asking anything in your life by the following: “I would like to (ask anything you want)”; you can seek for anything in your life with faith, and you will find the thing that you are looking for; you can knock any door that you want to enter, and the door will be opened to you;

The sorcerers and demons argue and complain, all of which are demonic and useless; they fail to properly use the biblical verse from above; they utilize their demands with their black arts as a cause to manifest anything they desire as the effect, even it is by force or fits of violence or anger; the one who utilize these forbidden arts only achieve nothing, but also return with disastrous results which accrue more debit instead of credit; for the one who truly wishes to embark on the narrow path, he must never be psychologically identified with these black arts; he who falls for identification of the black arts is under the obsessive influence of the sorcerers; only comprehension and awareness of the biblical verse can break the psychological influence of the black arts;

Never be dismayed nor dejected if the results you wished to have, utilized from the biblical verse, fail to happen imminently; keep asking, and it shall be given to you; keep seeking, and you will find it; keep knocking on the door, and the door will be opened; never give up; have faith; continue until you achieve whatever you want to have as one constantly prays; you will achieve results, utilizing the appropriate use of the Law of Attraction.