The Three Tantras

The Three Tantras

Ladies and gentlemen, i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, will discuss the three tantras or three magics we know today; they are Black Magic, Grey Magic, and White Magic;

Black Magic is to Black Tantra; Grey Magic is to Grey Tantra; White Magic is to White Tantra;

Black Magic, or Black Tantra, teaches one to perform copulation to spill the seed (or semen) through orgasm; it is carnal knowledge; to spill the semen means to eat the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Goodness and Impurity; another word for it is fornication;

To fornicate does show in the dictionary to have sexual intercourse between two people who are not married; however, in secret, to fornicate is to spill the seed through the orgasm; therefore, i will emphasize that whoever recommends fornication is a sorcerer;

Black Magic is responsible for all the misfortunes on earth; fornication will also put the consciousness into eternal sleep; with black tantra, one awakens negatively; to awaken negatively is to awaken the kundabuffer organ; whosoever does so becomes a demon;

Gray Magic, or gray tantra, teaches that one should spill the seed occasionally; whenever one sometimes recommends fornication is a sorcerer; it is fornication that gives birth to sexual desire; as a result, gray Tantra will inevitably lead one to black tantra;

White Magic, or white tantra, teaches you only three factors: to deny yourself, take up the cross, and follow Christ;

To deny yourself is to eliminate all psychological aggregates that cause all problems; to deny yourself is also to die psychologically; it is urgent to (psychologically) die from moment to moment to live;

To take up the cross is to do the sexual alchemy between man and woman; male and female create the holy cross; the male is the vertical line, and the female is the horizontal line; sexual alchemy itself is the arcanum;

The clue to the arcanum is the following: “insert the virile member into the vagina, and withdraw it without spilling the divine energy”;

Men and women must do the arcanum daily to awaken the Kundalini; to follow Christ is to sacrifice for others; the sacrifice is the selfless service unto men and women;

The sacrifice for others is to renounce one’s self-interest for the benefit of others; the gift unto others is the duty of a king or queen of nature; the key to white tantra is to be born, die, and sacrifice the self for others;

That is all.