Juan Mirieth Auriel

Gnosis, Daath, Spirituality, Religion, Alchemy



The etymology of the word “income” is sinisterly clever that meets the eye; an income is how one gets paid through a job; a job is a type of labor that is considered unlawful and immoral; examples of unlawful activities are bank jobs (which are bank robberies or instances of bank crime) and drug jobs (drug dealing and/or selling); even worse, there also exist sexual jobs which are sinister and worse than these jobs;

A blowjob is an example of a sexual job; we know that sexual jobs are sexual rituals that are not only infrasexual but also unlawful before the Elohim; a blowjob is a form of oral sex; how grotesque and despicable are oral, sexual jobs before the Elohim; cocksucking is another prime example of a sexual job; he who calls someone a cocksucker commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

We now see that an income can also be in-cum; a cum is a sexual seed expelled through the orgasm by a man or woman; we know that having an orgasm is fornication; cum is also come, spoken phonetically;

Now you see, all sexual jobs are blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; none of them will inherit the kingdom of Yah-Hovah; their residence will be the Abyss;

The F-word is a sinister and despicable word that encourages wo/men to fornicate; he who speaks the F-word commits blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; therefore the F-word is a taboo word by the Elohim and the Holy Spirit;

He who receives income has to pay an income tax;

“His praise is never of men, but of the Elohom” – Romans 2:28;

It is best to get compensated for the work you do unto others; it is better to refuse an income for the work you do and instead receive compensation;

The work is the type of labor that is lawful and moral; it is the work that pleases the Elohim and Yah-Hovah; man through his righteous labor gains wealth through his work; seek none of the riches upon the earth, yet seek riches within you to be rich; less is more;

The work that i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, pleases no men but only the Elohim; if you feel that you are pleasing the Elohim, you are doing the work so that you will live long in the lands that the Elohim gives you.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Gnostic Diet

The Gnostic Diet

What i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, will state is real;

There are primary rules of the Gnostic Diet which, of course, are the following:

i) Never go vegetarianism or veganism;

ii) Never eat unclean animals;

iii) Never eat more meat than you would normally consume;

Never go vegan or vegetarianism

For those in vegetarianism or veganism, you should never go veganism or vegetarianism; here is the reason why:

We are subjected to the laws of the three; the Law of the Three is listed as the following: the Holy Acceptance, the Holy Negation, and the Holy Conciliation; Consider these examples as the definition of these three laws:

i) Example #1: A tiger hunts and kills the wild boar for breakfast; the tiger is the Holy Acceptance, the wild boar is the Holy Negation, and the Holy Conciliation acts as an active force between the two;

ii) Example #2: A Cat catches and kills a rat for a snack; here, the cat is the Holy Acceptance, the rat is the Holy Negation, and the Holy Conciliation acts as an active force between the two;

iii) Example #3: The lion eats the zebra alive for dinner; this time: the lion is the Holy Acceptance, the zebra is the Holy Negation, and the Holy Conciliation acts as an active force between the two;

iv) Example #4: You shot and killed a cow for a family banquet with a hunting party; you, this time, are the Holy Acceptance, the cow is the Holy Negation, and the Holy Conciliation acts as an active force between you and the cow;

Now consider this if you are a vegan or vegetarian:

There are microscopic maggots inside of you that are killing you and eating you as food to survive; this time: the maggots are the Holy Acceptance, you are the Holy Negation, and the Holy Conciliation acts as an active force between the maggots and you; in other words, you will start dying the moment you choose to be either a vegetarian or a vegan;

The same is said for a dog; introduce vegetarianism or veganism to the dog, and the dog starts dying: plain and simple; never introduce vegetarianism or veganism to your dog; once the dog is accustomed to vegetarianism or veganism, your dog will eventually be dead, all according to the Law of the Three;

In the name of truth, i was recently a Vegan from the end of March until late May 2019 and done it several times before i was disappointed with Veganism; just minutes before eating sardines, i was exhausted and i felt like dying from Veganism; i became aware that i was about to be the Holy Negation by the microscopic maggots; when i resumed being a meat-eater, i felt life and strength returning in me;

Vegetarians and veganism will fail a Gnostic initiate; you will never see a Gnostic student or instructor practice vegetarianism or veganism; the real truth of meat-eaters is simple: meat-eaters have a longer lifespan than vegetarians and vegans combined; vegans have a very short lifespan than vegetarians and meat-eaters; i have been a Vegan, done that, and never will resume and go Veganism again;

So, never go vegetarianism or veganism, or you will be eaten by the microscopic maggots as the Holy Negation;

Never eat unclean animals

In the Christian Bible of Leviticus 11:1-47, there is a list of clean animals to eat and a list of unclean animals to avoid eating for a good reason;

For red meat, you can only eat animals that have both the following characteristics: that chew their cud and have split hooves; the list of clean animals is examples by the following:

i) Cow

ii) Sheep

iii) Goat

iv) Lamb

v) Any animal that has both the required characteristics like elk and venison;

Here are unclean, red meat:

i) Pig (Pork)

ii) Rabbit

iii) Camel

iv) Any animal that fails to meet both of the required characteristics like the coney;

For poultry, here are the clean animals that you can eat:

i) Chicken

ii) Duck

iii) Quail

iv) Turkey

v) Goose

In regards to unclean poultry, you must never eat a scavenger bird or a bird of prey like the eagle and the vulture;

Both red meat and poultry carry the element of fire; red meat has more fire than poultry and consuming it too much will make you inert; consuming red meat up to 2 to 3 times a week is moderate; poultry can be eaten semi-liberally up to 5 to 7 servings a week;

For seafood, you are only permitted to eat fish that has both fins and scales; you can eat sardines, tuna, cod, herring, and salmon; fish oil from permitted fish is allowed;

Shellfish and fish that fail to meet both the required characteristics is forbidden;

Eating fish stirs up the water in you and can be eaten liberally; with the proper balance of fire and water would grant you optimal results;

For insects, you are only permitted to eat insects which has four legs and have jointed legs above their feet and hops on the ground; you can eat any locust, grasshopper, and crickets; any insects other than the permitted insects, you must detest;

Out of dairy, you can only eat eggs and dairy from kosher animals, not from unclean animals;

You must not eat unclean animals; unclean animals are devolving animals that, whenever eaten, will only strengthen the psychological aggregates (the Ego, sinning I, or Satan) and also strengthen lust and desire; eating unclean animals will result in you being unclean; you will only strengthen the chances of fornication (by emission of semen) should you choose to eat unclean animals;

i would recommend abiding by the law of Kosher for Jews or Christians, or you can also abide by Halal foods for Muslims;

Never eat more meat than you would normally consume

The thumb rule is no more than the size of your hand; it is best to kill more psychological aggregates than to worry about the small size of meat you eat; eating excessive meat is poisonous to your body and will fuel disease and desire;

The Majority Rules

i) The majority of the food must be vegetables and fruits; these are the foods that solidify the Earth; remember to eat neither gluttonous nor too little, but in moderation with temperance;

ii) One of the foods that circulate the air is wine; wine is unfermented grape juice; wine can also be used in the Eucharist; never drink fermented grape juice; fermented grape juice is called grape alcohol in the form of modern, alcoholic wine; you must renounce the abominable vice of alcohol forever; the name alcohol is from Algol, which is a demon; whoever drinks alcohol is invoking and attracting the demon Algol; he who drinks alcohol is a mocker, yet the one who drinks spirits is a brawler;

iii) Never fake foods, GMOs, or any food that has empty nutrition; avoid canned fruits and vegetables;

iv) Avoid white flour, white rice, or any processed grains; go for whole wheat flour (Kosher is better), brown rice, or whole grains; you must eliminate or limit phytic acid in your body; if you must eat these foods, soak nuts, seeds, and/or grains overnight before eating them or cooking them;

v) Avoid hydrogenated or processed oils, these have bad, trans fats;

vi) Never use a microwave to cook your food, use the stove or the oven;

vii) Never drink water containing sodium fluoride, never drink distilled or deionized; instead, drink water filtered with sodium fluoride reduction from the Berkey Water filtration system as a recommendation.




https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

Transverse Lines

Transverse Lines

Transverse Lines are crease lines on the forehead of a man and a woman; lift the eyebrows, and there you will find grand canyons on your forehead; there range from 1 transverse line to a maximum of 7 transverse lines; you can also find your planetary ray as i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, had;

Here are the number of transverse lines to planetary archangels:

i) 1 transverse line – Lunar Ray – Gabriel (גבריאל);

ii) 2 transverse lines – Mercurian Ray – Raphael (רפאל);

iii) 3 transverse lines – Venusian Ray – Auriel (אוריאל);

iv) 4 transverse lines – Solar Ray – Michael (מיכאל);

v) 5 transverse lines – Martian Ray – Samael (סמאל);

vi) 6 transverse lines – Jupiteran Ray – Zachariel (זכריאל);

vii) 7 transverse lines – Saturnian Ray – Orifiel (יופיאל).

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The 24 Ordinal Hours

The 24 Ordinal Hours

We know that there are 24 hours in a day; there is also day and night; the zenith is the borderline of the meridiem; meridiem is another word for meridian; there is Ante Meridiem and Post Meridiem; Ante Meridiem (before Meridian) starts exactly at midnight and lasts until midday; the abbreviation used is am; Post Meridiem (after Meridian) starts exactly at midday and lasts until midnight; the abbreviation used is pm; in timing, we use ordinal numbers following the word hour; here are the 24 ordinal hours and its time (please note that there is no such thing as the 0th hour):

1st hour: 12:00 am – 1:00 am;

2nd hour: 1:00 am – 2:00 am;

3rd hour: 2:00 am – 3:00 am;

4th hour: 3:00 am – 4:00 am;

5th hour: 4:00 am – 5:00 am;

6th hour: 5:00 am – 6:00 am;

7th hour: 6:00 am – 7:00 am;

8th hour: 7:00 am – 8:00 am;

9th hour: 8:00 am – 9:00 am;

10th hour: 9:00 am – 10:00 am;

11th hour: 10:00 am – 11:00 am;

12th hour: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm;

13th hour: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm;

14th hour: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm;

15th hour: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm;

16th hour: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm;

17th hour: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm;

18th hour: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm;

19th hour: 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm;

20th hour: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm;

21st hour: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm;

22nd hour: 9:00 pm – 10:00 pm;

23rd hour: 10:00 pm – 11:00 pm;

24th hour 11:00 pm – 12:00 am;

Optionally, we can use quarter hours by the following: quarter an hour, half an hour, or three-quarters of an hour; let us use the following words: A quarter-hour in the 11th hour; it is converted as 10:15 am; a half an hour in the 13th hour is 12:30 pm; three quarters an hour during the 16th hour is 3:45 pm; be careful with this one: a quarter-hour before the 9th hour is 8:45 am; especially, three quarters an hour before the 22nd hour is 8:15 pm; that is all.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Atomic Energy of Chastity

The Atomic Energy of Chastity

Chastity is far more atomic and more powerful than fornication and lust combined, just like Love is far more powerful than lust and impurity; those who do chastity gather up all the sexual energy utilizing sexual transmutation;

Those who fornicate (spilling the seed through the orgasm outwards and downwards) will never be more powerful than those who transmute sexual energies inwards and upwards;

Chastity represents the Divine Mother Kundalini; she is the Virgin Mary, Isis, et cetera;

One of her ways to be worshiped is sexual transmutation; however, her best way to be worshiped is the sexual connection of man and woman without spilling the divine energy; the Divine Mother Kundalini awakens when man and woman do the Arcanum daily;

These are her words to her initiate: “If you need to keep doing chastity (sexual transmutation), you need to get married”; i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, consider it impossible to awaken the kundalini without a woman; i also consider it impossible to get married without a woman;

A woman is a man's priestess-spouse whom he is allowed to do sexual magic; married, or the word Mary (Virgin Mary), itself relates to Matrimony, which is the action of the Divine Mother; matrimony itself is the immaculate sexual connection of man and wife; that is all;

Both man and wife, utilizing the proper use of chastity, gather all the atomic energy of sexuality inwards and upwards, facilitating the power to create.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech is “the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference (thefreedictionary.com)”; Freedom of Speech is also known as free speech;

Be mindful that there is no such thing as absolute freedom of speech, never was, never is, and never will be; the opposite of free speech is censorship; freedom of speech without censorship is anarchy; freedom without order is anarchy; however, order with no freedom is tyranny; when there is censorship without freedom of speech, there is always tyranny;

Freedom with order is democracy; freedom of speech with censorship is democracy;

If you were on this website or any other Gnostic Website, you would notice that there is no absolute freedom of speech; the same is said for private homes, churches, mosques, and temples alike; the Gnostic Movement also tolerates no absolute freedom of speech; this law is made to protect our fellow brethren from negative contagion caused by grouchy and disrespectful people; it never means that everything that you say will be censored;

What i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, state is that you can speak freely, yet with caution, humbleness, and respect; comprehend the word ahimsa; the word ahimsa means “no violence”; any speech that falls within the boundaries of ahimsa is protected speech; criticizing the merchants of the government under the scope of ahimsa is protected speech;

Anything outside the scope of ahimsa is unprotected speech; any speech that encourages others to incite threats, violence, and conspiracies to commit crimes is never protected speech; they are trespassers of the law and will be punished according to the laws of karma;

Also, freedom of speech has its boundaries within the time, place, and manner; you must respect the time, place, and manner in which you can speak freely; those who fail to consider these three factors are trespassers of the law and will be punished according to the laws of karma;

Sure, tyrants can try to push for absolute censorship, knowing it is virtually impossible to do so because there is no such thing as absolute censorship; if the tyrants should silence the people, the stones would cry out instead;

So, there is no absolute freedom of speech in private homes, churches, mosques, or temples; there is also no absolute free speech on my blogs and my social media; there is no absolute free speech in the Gnostic Movement; we will have freedom and order by the will of the Innermost.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

Clash Of The Demons

Clash Of The Demons

None of you shall invoke demons since it is already extremely dangerous;

None of you shall follow and worship demons, for you would commit the crime of idolatry;

Demons are entities that spill their divine seed by having the orgasm and recommend this perverse crime to their followers;

Demons never repent for their blasphemies against the Holy Spirit;

Demons recommend black tantra and Satanic eroticism;

Demons have the mark of the beast on their heads;

Demons have horns on their foreheads;

Demons have tails representing the kundabuffer organ awakened by their practices of black tantra;

From within and without, demons are known to sexually attack people with violence and hate;

Their hate is their anger;

Demons are violators of the law of free will;

Demons are sorcerers of the Black Lodge;

Sorcerers themselves are black magicians;

Demons frantically follow Yahweh, the Chief of the Black Lodge;

For the one who says: “Hail to Christ! Down with Yahweh!”, these perverse ones will attack this individual with their wrath and violence because they follow Yahweh;

The infernal and inverted star attracts sorcerers;

None of these demons are intelligently underestimated; they are known to have sly and sharp intellects;

Demons are known to cleverly disguise themselves as holy beings or angels; they are also known to disguise themselves as Jesus Christ to gain followers;

Even Yahweh, who is Satan, is known to disguise himself as an angel;

You will know demons by their fruit;

Once you hear the words that anyone recommending fornication unto people, you will know that he is a demon;

It is said that evil is never driven away by evil; violence only begets violence; only goodness will drive away evil;

These perverse ones are only driven away by the proper use of prayer;

The conjuration of the four or the conjuration of the seven are examples that drive demons away;

The superior star drives away demons;

Demons are truly afraid of the flaming sword, given unto man by his priestess-spouse;

Demons also morally hate the Perfect Matrimony and the immaculate knowledge;

Demons are known to use any means necessary in their art of sorcery to impede and circumvent the Perfect Matrimony from occurring;

Only the Holy Cross by man and wife will drive the perverse ones away;

Demons are never entirely beyond redemption;

A former demon, who is known as Beelzebub, revolved and liberated himself from the Black Lodge with the guidance of Samael Aun Weor;

Demons who reject sexual redemption will be subjected to the Second Death;

Now you know the fruits of a demon.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day

The Sabbath Day is always a Saturday, never a Sunday;

Behold the legitimate and authentic order of the days of the week; the seven archangels represent these respective days; all of these actual days of the week and their respective archangels are memorized as follows:

I) Modern Sunday is Actual Monday; Gabriel is the regent of the Moon;

II) Modern Monday is Actual Wednesday; Raphael is the regent of Mercury;

III) Modern Tuesday is Actual Friday; Auriel is the regent of Venus;

IV) Modern Wednesday is Actual Sunday; Michael is the regent of the Sun;

V) Modern Thursday is Actual Tuesday; Samael is the regent of Mars;

VI) Modern Friday is Actual Thursday; Zachariel is the regent of Jupiter;

VII) Modern Saturday is Actual Saturday; Orifiel is the regent of Saturn;

Elohim created heaven and earth in six days, as found in the Bible; on Sabbath, Elohim rested;

The Seventh-day relates to the planet Saturn, which relates to the third Sephiroth: Binah; Binah is the Holy Spirit in the Christic Trinity; The third commandment states that you must “keep thy feasts to sanctify them”;

He must do labor for six days straight, but on the seventh day, he must never do any work, nor must his house do work on the seventh day; Saturday is the Sabbath, or what in Hebrew: Shabat (שבת);

Shabat reminds us of Queen Sheba, the Egyptian princess who married King Solomon; it also reminds us of Bathsheba, the widow of Uriah, who married King David as his beloved wife;

Sheba means seven in Hebrew, which carries two Hebrew letters: Shin and Beth; Bathsheba means the daughter of the seven;

The Hebrew Letter Tav is the covenant or the mark; it is the covenant we make with the Elohim;

Sabbath day is a good time to reconnect with Elohim and an excellent time to connect with your house; it is also a good time to communicate with your friends; the day of rest must always occur on the Seventh Day; Sabbath is made for the man, never man for the Sabbath;

Truly i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, say you have to whiten the devil that entices you to work on the Sabbath into resting on the Sabbath through awareness and comprehension;

The Ego is bipolar: either lazy or over-diligent; there is a thing of death from overwork; Karoshi is the Japanese word for death from overwork; those who are lazy never get ahead; those who overwork are only hurting themselves;

The path to the abyss is easy; the way to heaven is hard;

The Ego (“I”) that violates the Sabbath will die a permanent death; thus, the wisdom of the Sabbath day is born;

Yet those who entice you to work on the Sabbath day, you must never consent; say unto the Sabbath violator by the following: “For six days you must do labor; but on the Seventh day, you must never do labor, nor your house must do labor”;

Behold: the Sabbath breaker must kill the devil within him, or he will genuinely die with the devil in him;

As i did before, it is never too late to repent for those violating the Sabbath; you must have the will and courage to observe the Sabbath; you must realize your mistakes for breaking the Sabbath and act to change it;

Those who say Monday (modern Sunday) is the Sabbath, these people are mistaken; woe unto them that Sunday is the Sabbath day, knowing that it is no Sabbath Day;

Woe also unto those that perceive any day of the week, except Saturday, as a Sabbath day; they too are sincerely mistaken people; look at most commerce who take Sunday off as you passerby;

Even the fast-food restaurant, Chick-Fil-A, has Sunday off; look at people going to their respective churches on Sunday; they assume that Sunday is the Sabbath; again, i say, “they are mistaken, ” and “Sunday is never the Sabbath Day”;

Look at the original order of the days of the week i impart unto you;

Look at the modern Jews from Judaism that worship the Sabbath, from Friday evening until Saturday sunset, ideally close enough for the Sabbath.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale

A brothel is a den of whores or bitches; within brothels house lethal effigies of prostitution and adultery; disguised as a humble house, the pollution of fornication inside a brothel is evident; as without so is within; for lethal effigies of prostitution and adultery, they face damnation to the Abyss and the Second Death; it is woeful unto them, for the Second Death is a thousand times worse than physical death; within the internal worlds, the lethal effigies of prostitution and adultery are astral larvae; the initiate must be wary of the fatal pheromone of a femme fatale; the word brother almost sounds like brothel, which is why no one should call anyone brother;

The Femme Fatale is a bitch or a prostitute; the bitch is an adulteress; the bitch is a lustful and beautiful woman, the one who seduces unwary men into their fatal, dangerous, and unforgiving downfalls; it could also be a Siren, a sorceress, or a fatal enchantress; the femme fatale is the negative serpent at its worse; these bitches are those who awakened their Kundabuffer Organ, or the Tail of Satan, through their art of fornication; it is an easy and seductive path for the unwary man: to suffer himself to fall to the poisonous charm of the femme fatale; he who suffers himself fall to a prostitute already commits adultery and the unforgiving sin of fornication;

The femme fatale reminds me of Circe, Kali, or the abominable mother kundabuffer: Saint Mary; Saint Mary is the motherfornicator, the antithesis of the Virgin Mary; Circe turns men into swine in the Odyssey; it also reminds me of the tale of Samson and Delilah; it is woeful unto Samson who suffered himself to fall to Delilah; Delilah is Hebrew for D'Lilah (דלילה); Lilah means night in Hebrew; Lilah (לילה) also reminds me of Lilith (לילית); D'Lilah and Lilith also share the same Hebrew root: Lilah; Lilith is one of the daughters of Lot, whom she and her younger sister, Nahemah, got him drunk and have sex with him; it is lust that transform men into beasts; that is all;

The Sixth Arcanum, Indecision, is the key to realizing the femme fatale; here, the initiate finds himself between the struggle of the virgin and the whore; the Angel of Love, Cupid or Anael, aims the poisonous arrow at the Whore; honestly, i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, advise you to lower your eyes in front of beautiful women, especially you are married or single; the only woman whom you can look at is your priestess-spouse without desire or aversion, yet with love;

Behold: your priestess-spouse is the only countermeasure against all forms of the femme fatale; your priestess-spouse is the modest woman whom she has never known any man; it is she that the Elohim delivers unto you; she is the virgin in the Sixth Arcanum; it is your priestess-spouse whom you must be with; self-realization with your priestess-spouse will make you immune to all femme fatale; i repeat: the matrimonial comprehension of one's spouse will impede the poisonous pheromone from the femme fatale;

As with the astral larvae, the sulfur powder can disintegrate them; one can burn sulfur powder as incense; however, he must leave the place once the sulfur powder starts burning; in place of burning sulfur powder (if uncomfortable), he can sprinkle the inside of his shoes with sulfur powder to wear it with socks;

i, Juan Mirieth Auriel, write this to help you comprehend the fatal pheromone of the femme fatale so that you can destroy it forever; you must also do the Arcanum with your spouse to eliminate the lethal effigies of femme fatale permanently.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

The Alchemical Color

The Alchemical Color

The Color of Alchemy goes by the following:

Red is to Male, and White is to Female;

Red is Masculine Mercury;

White is Feminine Mercury;

Sexual union without spilling the seed makes the color pink;

Pink is the color associated with love;

So, Alchemy is all about love, and none other than love;

Alchemy goes by the following: El is Hebrew for God, and Khem is to cast or fuse a metal;

So, therefore, Alchemy is to unite oneself once again with the Elohim;

It is only possible to connect oneself again with the Elohim through sexual contact with your spouse;

He who refuses to do the Magnus Opus with his spouse will never be able to return to the kingdom of Yah-Hovah Elohim;

He, as an alchemist, has an essential and never-ending task;

He must steal fire from the devil;

He must rob banks from the devil;

He must also steal credits (exceed his righteousness that of the Pharisees) from the devil.

https://glorian.org/ https://samaelaunweor.org/

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